Dr. Michael Chan

Executive Director for Faith and Learning Dovre Center for Faith and Learning, Ministry Office, Offutt School of Business (Office)

Dr. Michael Chan joined the Concordia College community in June 2022. Prior to that, he was associate professor of Old Testament at Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minn. He joined Luther Seminary after completing his Ph.D. at Emory University and a year of research and teaching at the University of Helsinki. He is a graduate of Luther Seminary (M.A. in biblical theology) and Pacific Lutheran University (B.A. in elementary education). As the executive director for faith and learning, Dr. Chan directs the Lorentzsen Center for Faith and Work and the Dovre Center for Faith and Learning, guides Concordia’s interfaith relationships, and oversees the work of Campus Ministry.

Read news story about this inaugural position


Dr. Michael Chan

Executive Director for Faith and Learning Knutson Campus Center – 209