Required Courses

Additional Requirements

  • CHEM 127 and CHEM 128 – General Chemistry I and II


  • CHEM 137 and CHEM 138 – Honors General Chemistry I and II


Traditional Concentration

In-depth Training

4 credits from the following:

Biochemistry Concentration

4 additional credits from Biology.

4 credits from the following:


4 credits from the following:

Required Courses

Additional Requirements

4 credits from the following art history courses:

12 credits from the following art history courses:

Required Courses

Additional Requirements

Refer to the requirements in each concentration. 


Preprofessional Concentration in Studio Art

The requirements for a preprofessional concentration in art studio are a minimum of 48 credits.

Intermediate Studio courses, (two for 2 credits or one for 4 credits), 4 credits

Additional Requirements:

  • 4 additional credits in 300-level art history
  • 4 additional credits in art history
  • 16 additional credits in studio art

Senior art studio concentration students are required to participate in the Senior Art Exhibition.

Preprofessional Concentration in Art History

The requirements for a preprofessional concentration in art history are a minimum of 48 credits.

4 credits from the following:

4 credits from the following foundational or studio courses:

8 credits from the following art history survey courses:

24 additional credits from the following electives:

Preprofessional art history majors are strongly encouraged to take a major or a minor in either French or German, as well as any language necessary for their area of concentration.

Preprofessional Concentration in Design*

*Concentration closed to new students as of Fall 2020

The requirements for a preprofessional concentration in design are a minimum of 48 credits.

4 credits in two-dimensional courses from the following:

– ART 111 – Two-Dimensional Foundations, 4 credits

– ART 320 – Painting, 4 credits

– ART 350 – Printmaking, 4 credits

– ART 376 – Nordic Arts, 4 credits 

– ART 378 – Web and User Experience Design I, 4 credits

– ART 379 – Typography in Book Design I, 4 credits

– ART 380 – Special Topics, 2-4 credits

– Other classes approved by the art department, 4 credits

4 credits in three-dimensional courses from the following:

– ART 112 – Three-Dimensional Foundations, 4 credits

– ART 330 – Ceramics, 4 credits

– ART 340 – Sculpture, 4 credits

– ART 376 – Nordic Arts, 4 credits

– ART 380 – Special Topics, 2-5 credits

– Other classes approved by the art department, 4 credits

4 credits in art history from the following 300-level courses:

– HART 364 – Greek and Roman Art, 4 credits

– HART 365 – Renaissance and Baroque Art, 4 credits

– HART 367 – 20th Century Art, 4 credits

– HART 369 – 18th and 19th Century Art in the East and West, 4 credits

– HART 374 – Art and Religion, 4 credits

– HART 375 – Women and Art, 4 credits

– HART 377 – Arts of Asia, 4 credits

– Other classes approved by the art department, 4 credits

8 credits from the following design or studio art courses:

– ART 378 – Web and User Experience Design I, 4 credits

– ART 379 – Typography in Book Design I, 4 credits

– ART 407 – Graphic Design II, 4 credits

– ART 420 – Senior Project, 4 credits

– ART 330 – Ceramics, 4 credits

– ART 320 – Painting, 4 credits

– ART 340 – Sculpture, 4 credits

– ART 350 – Printmaking, 4 credits

– ART 376 – Nordic Arts, 4 credits

– ART 380 – Special Topics, 4 credits

– ART 401 – Intermediate Drawing, 4 credits

– ART 402 – Intermediate Painting, 4 credits

– ART 403 – Intermediate Ceramics, 4 credits

– ART 404 – Intermediate Sculpture, 4 credits

– ART 405 – Intermediate Printmaking, 4 credits

– ART 409 – Intermediate Photography, 4 credits

– ART 420 – Senior Project, 4 credits

– ART 480 – Independent Study, 4 credits

– ART 487 – Directed Research, 4 credits 

Senior design concentration students are required to participate in the Senior Art Exhibition.