The healthcare industry is complex and exciting. New technology is forcing many to adapt and innovate and healthcare operations is no exception. Clinics and hospitals are digitizing their files, utilizing new surgical technology, providing a new level of care to rural communities, streamlining their patient experiences and keeping up with ever-changing regulations.

No matter the change, the heart of the profession remains the same: help patients get the best method of care. The role of healthcare management and operations is central to this aim. Using specialized knowledge, healthcare administration professionals manage a variety of facilities including hospitals, clinics, and long-term care facilities.

Healthcare leadership majors choose one or more specialized concentrations based on where they want to focus their career. Our concentrations include: 

  •         Healthcare Administration
  •         Healthcare Financial Management
  •         Long-Term Care Administration

With a career in healthcare leadership, you’ll combine your passion for helping people with your desire to see businesses grow. A healthcare entity, after all, is still a business and this role is vital to its success.

Degree Requirements and Courses

Required Courses

Additional Requirements

Recommended supporting courses:


Business majors must choose at least one concentration (12-23 credits)


Agribusiness Concentration

Agribusiness and Applied Economics (AGEC) courses are offered at NDSU. Concentration requires 14-18 credits:

6 credits from the following:

Agribusiness and Applied Economics (AGEC) courses are offered at North Dakota State University through the Tri-College University program.


Requires 12-13 credits:

6 credits from the following:

Finance Concentration

Requires 12-13 credits:

6-7 credits from the following:

Management Concentration

Requires 15-16 credits:

9 credits from the following:

3 credits from the following:

Marketing Concentration

Requires 15 credits:

6 credits from the following:

  • Approved Special Topic Marketing Courses

Shane Seifert '18

My studies in healthcare leadership and long-term care administration and my internship at Sanford complement my career goals by giving me real-world experience in healthcare right in our community.

A Recognized Leader

Concordia's healthcare program is recognized as one of the top 10 schools in the nation to earn a bachelor’s in long-term care administration.


Dr. Shelly K. Gompf

Assistant Professor of Healthcare; Director, Healthcare Leadership Healthcare Leadership