Additional Requirements
Prerequisite and corequisite courses must be completed with a minimum passing letter grade of C-. Prerequisite and corequisite nursing courses cannot be taken on a pass-fail or S-U basis. The prerequisite coursework requirements for a major in nursing leading to a Bachelor of Arts degree are 86-90 credits and include the following courses or Registrar approved course equivalents:
- CHEM 142 – Survey of Organic and Biochemistry, 4 credits (CHEM 117 is a required prerequisite if no high school chemistry has been completed.)
- CHEM 127 – General Chemistry I AND CHEM 128 – General Chemistry II
These course listings:
- MATH course with a “K” designation, 4 credits
- Any sociology courses with an “S” course designation, 4 credits
- The following corequisite courses (included in the total credits for the major) must be completed with a minimum passing letter grade of C-:
Students must be accepted into the nursing major to enroll in any of the following courses:
Optional courses in the major (not required):
Admission to the Nursing Major
The baccalaureate nursing program is a nationally accredited four-year course of study leading to a Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in nursing. The pre-nursing program is open to all high school graduates and college students who wish to pursue a nursing major. To enter the pre-nursing program, students must be admitted to Concordia; however, applicants should note that admission to the college does not grant admission to the professional nursing major.
The professional nursing major begins the spring semester of the traditional sophomore year. Incoming freshmen who qualify for select academic scholarships through the Admission Office of the college may apply for early admission to the nursing major. Early admission to the nursing major is offered to select high school graduates at the time of admission to Concordia College. The criteria for early admission are available from the Concordia College Admission Office. Students who are not awarded early admission to the major must submit an application to the nursing department by the March deadline, as posted in the nursing department, during the student’s freshman year to be considered for admission within a four-year college plan. Students must be eligible for sophomore standing by the end of the semester of application to the nursing major. A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.8 is required in all post high school work through the semester of application and a minimum selective GPA of 3.0 is required to be eligible for consideration of admission to the major. (Refer to selective GPA courses in the admission criteria identified later in this section.) Pre-nursing students are encouraged to consult with a nursing faculty member or their nursing advisor about admission criteria prior to the application deadline, and criteria specific to early admission status. Application forms may be obtained in the nursing department. Applicants are notified of their admission status in June. Students may apply only twice for consideration of admission to the nursing major. Students who are currently enrolled at Concordia should consult with a nursing faculty member or advisor prior to the application deadline.
Policies specific to students accepted into the nursing major are published in the Baccalaureate Nursing Program Student Handbook. The handbook is provided to students in the first semester of the major.
Because state regulations require a specific student-faculty ratio in the clinical practicum, enrollment in the professional nursing program is limited and based on resource and clinical placement availability. Consideration will be given to students who have attended Concordia College and meet all other criteria.
Admission is competitive and based on all of the following:
- a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.8 through the date of application in all post high school coursework
- a minimum selective GPA of 3.0 through the date of application based on completion of all of the following prerequisite courses or Registrar approved course equivalents:
- eligibility for sophomore standing with the ability to complete the remaining prerequisite coursework prior to the second semester of the nursing major
- admission to Concordia College
- a completed application to the major
- two personal references
- an impromptu essay and/or interview
- a one-page résumé
Progression in the major requires a minimum GPA of 2.8 through the first semester of the major with passing letter grades of C- or higher for all prerequisite and corequisite courses required for the major. Progression in the major also requires that all nursing courses are completed with a minimum passing letter grade of C-. These courses cannot be taken as pass/fail. The degree must be completed in the same semester as completion of the nursing major. International students must have a valid/unexpired visa through the duration of the program to participate in clinical activities.