If you want to affect the world, study social work. If you want a great shot at passing your licensure exam and being hired right out of college, study social work at Concordia.

Your passion for helping others isn't going to stay in the classroom; Concordia social work majors are encouraged to get out into the community. We have partnerships with a variety of agencies in Fargo and Moorhead, so you can help low-income families make ends meet or New Americans find housing, among other opportunities. We’ll do our best to match your interests to areas of need.

Most career counselors will recommend you keep your résumé to one page, but that is impossible for Concordia social work grads. You’ll start engaging with your community as a sophomore, and all of your work and study will culminate with a full-time internship as a senior.

Programs of Study

Major in Social Work

Concordia's social work program prepares competent and effective social work professionals to promote human and community well-being. Program graduates are prepared to take the national licensure examination and pass at rates well beyond the national average.

Degree Requirements and Courses

Student Learning Outcomes

All Council on Social Work Education programs measure and report student learning outcomes. Students are assessed on their mastery of the competencies that comprise the accreditation standards of the Council on Social Work Education.

Learn More

Alaina Dehnke '19 on Mentorship

There are some things only experience can teach you. The senior social work internship is meant to test the waters and shift gears if need be. I believe mentorship is about finding a happy balance between teaching through guidance and teaching through hands-on experience. My community mentor taught me valuable lessons simply by exemplifying what to do and what to say. She also gave me chances to apply what I saw when I engage with students one to one.
Learning Out of the Classroom

Students @ the Capitol

This spring, a group of seven social work students joined 1,000 other students and social workers from across the state to attend Social Work Day at the Capitol. Students heard from speakers on key issues impacting social policy, social workers, and the populations they serve.

"The energy was so vibrant and it was an incredible experience to be a part of. You could feel the passion in that room and it gave me hope that we are going to make incredible change for this country." — Kayla Thielmann '19, Social Work Major

Activism at Work

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Leading a Life of Service

Grounded in the value of giving back, this year’s Orientation Chair describes how his Concordia experience allows him to positively influence his community both on and off campus.

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4 Min Read

Mentorship Memories

As she begins her second year as a school social worker, Alaina Dehnke ’19 reflects on lessons that helped on her career journey.

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Dr. Kristi K. Loberg

Program Director/Professor Social Work