5 Min Read

Working for Common Good

From traveling the world to working in the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Megan John '13 has had a variety of learning experiences to help develop her passions.

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3 Min Read

A Heart for the Community

When you meet Kristi Huber '98, you can't help but want to be around her. Her eyes twinkle as she greets you with a smile and a warm hug, genuinely glad that you're there.

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3 Min Read

For The Kids

Concordia has many student organizations on campus, but what makes Dance Marathon special is their involvement in the Fargo-Moorhead community.

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5 Min Read

Love Your Melon

If you were to stand in a central location on Concordia’s campus – by the bell tower, in the Knutson Campus Center atrium – on a brisk February day, you would see dozens of Cobbers bedecked in beanies.

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3 Min Read

Interfaith Skills for a Diverse World

Do you know that heparin sodium, a widely used anticoagulant (blood thinner) is a pork-derived product? Unless you’re a biochemist, you probably don’t.

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5 Min Read

Spring Break with Habitat For Humanity

While many use spring break as a chance to visit home or take a vacation, Concordia students also have opportunities to use the time off from class to participate in service-learning trips. Five groups of Cobbers packed into vans and headed out across the country to spend their break building homes with Habitat for Humanity.

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