4 Min Read

Basketball and Business

From days building his marketing skills in Offutt School of Business to nights building relationships on the basketball court, Brazil native Guilherme Saad '18 has found his fit at Concordia and shares his advice for making the most of your college experience.

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6 Min Read

Exploring Art Abroad

Siri Berry '18 built an impressive portfolio during her time at Concordia and while studying abroad in Florence, Italy.

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4 Min Read

Student Spotlight: Ting Lai '17

Concordia's Offutt School of Business offers students real-world business training and tools to help them reach their career goals. Ting Lai '17 seized her opportunities to gain professional experience and try new things while launching her career in finance.

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7 Min Read

From Home to Hong Kong Through Healthcare

Tyler Pederson ’17 grew up just 6 miles from campus. He always planned on moving away for college, but says there was something unique about the academic rigor and athletics at Concordia that really appealed to him.

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5 Min Read

Will Travel for Teaching

Studying away is an enticing opportunity – one almost half of Concordia students take advantage of.

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4 Min Read

Finding Her Perfect Fit

If you’re a student that doesn’t quite know what you want to do after graduation, you’re not alone.

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5 Min Read

Filmmaking in Fargo-Moorhead

When Hollywood film producer Matthew Myers first moved to Fargo in 2011, he immediately started contemplating about making a movie in the Fargo-Moorhead area.

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7 Min Read

Seizing Every Opportunity

Have you heard the saying, “It’s not just what you know, but it’s also who you know”? Senior Kyle Bartholomay has found the opportunities through the Offutt School of Business and the Concordia alumni network to be incredible assets for his career building.

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5 Min Read

The Concordia Transfer Experience

Finding the right fit at a university or college isn’t always a given. Sometimes, even after all the tours and interviews, it takes a start in the wrong place to understand exactly what you need to make it right.

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4 Min Read

Discovering the Researcher in Me

My student research journey began freshman year in Dr. Bryan Luther’s “SciFi Cinema: Filming the Future” inquiry seminar.

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