4 Min Read

A Lifelong Language Villager

Anna Sprunger ’20 has attended Concordia Language Villages most of her life, developing an appreciation for cultures and creating connections with people from around the world.

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3 Min Read

Navigating the News

As editor-in-chief of The Concordian, Annie Weier ’20 helps student journalists develop as storytellers and voice Cobbers’ stories.

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2 Min Read

Leadership Leverage

Ethan Linder ’20 honed his leadership skills as a community relations intern at Sanford Health and president of Concordia’s Hockey Club.

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4 Min Read

On the Track to Success

Two-sport athlete and biology major Jordan Oliphant ’20 wouldn’t change a thing about her active college experience.

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4 Min Read

Taking on Tuscania

Olivia Jacobs ’20 found a sense of belonging while studying in Italy when she immersed her passions into daily life.

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3 Min Read

Engaging in Entrepreneurship

Max Mona ’21 helped find a solution for an international airport that led to a shuttle service for consumers.

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3 Min Read

Growing in Communication

From the West Coast to the Upper Midwest, Allie Holt ’20 learned that moving out of her comfort zone opens up a world of opportunities.

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6 Min Read

Cobbers on the Front Lines

Concordia College alumni and students are on the front lines of the COVID-19 crisis. We spoke with some of them to learn how their organizations are responding.

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3 Min Read

Opera From Fargo to Florence

While studying abroad in Italy, Kenny Hoversten ’20 grew as a performer and a professional.

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2 Min Read

Go West, Young Cobbers

Ten Concordia students embarked on a spring Breakaway trip across the western U.S., where they were immersed in issues of sustainability.

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