6 Min Read

Studying in South Africa

While on a May Seminar in South Africa, David Youngs ’20 witnessed the duality of poverty and prosperity on Africa’s southernmost point.

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3 Min Read

Major Indecision: Choosing the Right Major as an Indecisive Student

Erik Belz ’20 always had trouble with being a decisive student but, after switching majors for the third time, he finally found the right one for him.

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4 Min Read

Alumna Cast as Jesus in ‘Godspell’

Megan Hovinen ’18 is playing the role of Jesus in the Fargo-Moorhead Community Theatre’s upcoming production of “Godspell.”

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7 Summer Events to Explore

The Fargo-Moorhead area is vibrant and full of activities to enjoy the outdoors all summer long.

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6 Min Read

Coffee Business

Jackson Booth ’20 is a passionate international business major and held the title of “youngest master roaster.” His dream is to work in the coffee industry as a green coffee buyer in South America.

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6 Min Read

Inside Guide to Orientation

Tips to make the most out of First-Year Orientation.

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5 Min Read

My Semester in Spain

For Kali Vinson ’19, studying abroad was everything everyone said it would be and more.

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4 Min Read

Leading Environmentalism

Erica Bjelland ’16 has been named a 2019 winner of 30 Under 30: The Green Generation.

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6 Min Read

BREWing in the North

Gia Rassier ’10, Megan Myrdal ’09, and Jeff Knight ’04, founders of Food of the North, collaborated with Drekker Brewing Co. to create their own unique ale called Brewed of the North.

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3 Min Read

Cobber Lingo

First week in Cobberville and you have no idea what your Orientation Leader is talking about? We’ve got you covered with all the Cobber lingo you will need to become a seasoned Cobber in no time.

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