Dr. Gregory Tanner Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science P 218.299.3344 E gtanner2@cord.edu Department/Office: Mathematics
Isabel Taufen Campus Visit and Event Coordinator P 218.299.3167 E itaufen@cord.edu Department/Office: Admission
Dr. Mallorie Taylor-Teeples Assistant Professor, Biology P 218.299.3745 E mtaylort@cord.edu Department/Office: Biology
Jamie Teeples Accounting Assistant P 218.299.3706 E jteeple1@cord.edu Department/Office: Dining Services
Anne Teitelman Director of Student Conduct; Deputy Title IX Coordinator; Chair, Bias Incident Response Team (BIRT) P 218.299.4326 E ateitelm@cord.edu Department/Office: Student Conduct
Carol M. Terhark Office Assistant P 218.299.3006 F 218.299.4720 E terhark@cord.edu Department/Office: Admission
Dr. Amy Tervola-Hultberg Adjunct Instructor P 218.299.3911 E atervola@cord.edu Department/Office: Master of Education
Rev. William Tesch Bishop P 218.299.3019 F 218.299.3363 E btesch@cord.edu Department/Office: ELCA, Northwestern Minnesota Synod
Dr. Kirsten E. Theye Professor, Communication Studies; Program Director, Social Activism P 218.299.4305 F 218.299.4256 E ktheye@cord.edu Department/Office: Communication Studies, Social Activism, Master of Science in Nutrition/Dietetic Internship
Jerry Thoemke Lead Painter P 218.299.3752 E jthoemke@cord.edu Department/Office: Facilities Management
Brad Thompson Building Services Custodian P 218.299.3362 E bthomp12@cord.edu Department/Office: Facilities Management
Dr. Erick Thompson Adjunct Instructor, Religion P 218.299.3334 E ethomps1@cord.edu Department/Office: Religion
Danielle Thorson Human Resources Specialist P 218.586.8503 E dthorso1@cord.edu Department/Office: Concordia Language Villages-Bemidji, Human Resources
Dr. Tally Tinjum Associate Professor P 218.299.3883 F 218.299.4309 E ttinjum@cord.edu Department/Office: Nursing
Travis Titus Assistant Coach, Football P 218.299.4934 E ttitus1@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
Brandon E. Toothaker Head Coach, Strength and Conditioning; Adjunct Instructor, Exercise Science P 218.299.3059 E btoothak@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics, Exercise Science, Nutrition, Dietetics, and Exercise Science
Peggy Torrance Director, Human Resources; Title IX Coordinator P 218.299.4924 F 218.299.4456 E torrance@cord.edu Department/Office: Human Resources
Tania Tovar Juarez Meal Ingredient Technician/Contracts Staff P 218.299.3706 E tjuarezs@cord.edu Department/Office: Dining Services
Amanda L. Tracy, MSN, RNC-OB Assistant Professor P 218.299.4063 F 218.299.4309 E atracy1@cord.edu Department/Office: Nursing
Dr. Kelley Tracz Assistant Professor, Oboe P 218.299. 4414 E ktracz@cord.edu Department/Office: Music
Michelle Trevino Building Services Custodian P 218.299.3362 E mtrevino@cord.edu Department/Office: Facilities Management
Jenna Turek Graphic Design and Social Media Coordinator P 218.299.4848 E jnorgard@cord.edu Department/Office: Concordia Language Villages
Ron Twedt Assistant Professor of Accounting P 218.299.3484 E twedt@cord.edu Department/Office: Business (Offutt School of Business – Academics)
Dr. Lisa A. Twomey Associate Professor of Spanish P 218.299.3340 E twomey@cord.edu Department/Office: Spanish, Master of Education, World Languages and Cultures