Dr. Peter J. Haberman Director of Bands; Professor, Instrumental Music Education P 715.214.6202 E phaberma@cord.edu Department/Office: Music
Ann K. Hadrava Retail Inventory and e-Commerce Specialist P 218.586.8818 F 218.586.8819 E hadrava@cord.edu Department/Office: Concordia Language Villages-Bemidji
Jodi M. Haekenkamp Business Office Supervisor P 218.299.3330 E jhaekenk@cord.edu Department/Office: Business Office
Dr. Gwen Wagstrom Halaas Dean, Sanford Heimarck School of Health Professions P 218.299.4981 E ghalaas@cord.edu
Katherine L. Halvorson Director of Annual Giving P 218.299.3692 E khalvors@cord.edu Department/Office: Advancement
David Hamilton Professor, Voice, Diction, Repertoire, Music May Seminars, Opera Workshop, and Italian P 218.299.4862 E hamilton@cord.edu Department/Office: Music
Dr. Gregory R. Hamilton Associate Professor, Cello and Double Bass P 218.299.4414 E ghamilto@cord.edu Department/Office: Music
Jason Hamilton Custodian/Delivery P 218.299.4864 E jhamilto@cord.edu Department/Office: Dining Services
Amanda Hand Program Director P 218.586.8600 E ahand@cord.edu Department/Office: Concordia Language Villages-Bemidji
Noah Hanson Academic Technology Support Specialist, Solution Center P 218.299.3375 E nhanso12@cord.edu Department/Office: Information Technology Services
Dr. Doug Harbin Associate Professor, Music Theory and Composition P 218.299.4414 E dharbin@cord.edu Department/Office: Music
Candace Harmon Media Relations and Communications Strategist P 218.299.3642 E charmon1@cord.edu Department/Office: Communications and Marketing
Debora J. Harris Associate Professor, Flute P 218.299.4867 E harris@cord.edu Department/Office: Music
Rachael G. Harvey Assistant Director of Admission; Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Coordinator P 218.299.4337 F 218.299.4720 E rmichaud@cord.edu Department/Office: Admission
Kristen Hatfield Music Enrollment Coordinator P 612.741.9094 E hatfield@cord.edu Department/Office: Music, Admission
Carol M. Hedberg Office Assistant for Budgets and Events P 218.299.3305 F 218.299.4277 E chedber3@cord.edu Department/Office: Offutt School of Business (Office)
Jon Hedin Interim Head Coach, Men’s Soccer P 218.299.4210 E jmhedin@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
Todd G. Hegney Building Maintenance, Locks and Hardware P 218.299.4685 E thegney@cord.edu Department/Office: Facilities Management
Erin Hemme Froslie Adjunct Instructor, English; Advisor, The Concordian P 218.299.3994 E froslie@cord.edu Department/Office: English
Aaron Herdt Assistant Coach, Men's Hockey P 218.299.4434 E aherdt@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
Petra Hernandez Building Services Custodian P 218.299.3362 E phernand@cord.edu Department/Office: Facilities Management
Kelly Heyer Director of Marketing P 218.299.3148 E heyer@cord.edu Department/Office: Communications and Marketing
Cindy A. Hilber Building Services Supervisor P 218.299.3362 E hilber@cord.edu Department/Office: Facilities Management
Karin Hillstrom Instructor of German and Spanish P 218.299.4932 E khillstr@cord.edu Department/Office: German, Spanish, World Languages and Cultures
Gary Himmerich Boiler/Relief Operator P 218.299.3688 E ghimmeri@cord.edu Department/Office: Facilities Management
Randy G. Hittman Facilities Support Technician P 218.299.3374 E hittman@cord.edu Department/Office: Facilities Management
Dr. Indira Neill Hoch Assistant Professor, Communication Studies P 218.299.3014 E ineillho@cord.edu Department/Office: Communication Studies
Cindy Holman Weekend Checker/Cashier; Service Staff P 218.299.3706 E cholman1@cord.edu Department/Office: Dining Services
Tamsin Holmgren Desktop Support Specialist, Solution Center P 218.299.3375 E tholmgr1@cord.edu Department/Office: Information Technology Services
Crystal Hoodie Custodian P 218.586.8510 E choodie@cord.edu Department/Office: Concordia Language Villages-Bemidji
Rachel F. Horan Instructor, Piano and Aural Skills P 218.299.4414 E rhoran@cord.edu Department/Office: Music
Dr. Emily C. Huber-Johnson Assistant Professor/Program Director, Exercise Science P 218.299.3721 E ehuber@cord.edu Department/Office: Exercise Science, Nutrition, Dietetics, and Exercise Science
David Hudson Sous Chef P 218.586.8600 E dhudson@cord.edu Department/Office: Concordia Language Villages-Bemidji
Rev. Rebel Hurd Director for Evangelical Mission P 218.299.3019 F 218.299.3363 E rebelhurd@cord.edu Department/Office: ELCA, Northwestern Minnesota Synod