Dr. Shauna Eberhardt Adjunct Instructor P 218.299.3910 E seberha1@cord.edu Department/Office: Education, Master of Education
Dr. Eric Eliason Data Projects Coordinator P 218.299.3313 E eliason@cord.edu Department/Office: Institutional Effectiveness
Dr. Nicholas R. Ellig Chair/Professor, Sociology P 218.299.3547 F 218.299.4552 E ellig@cord.edu Department/Office: Sociology
Nicole Ellis Associate Director of Marketing P 218.299.3247 E nellis@cord.edu Department/Office: Concordia Language Villages
Kathryn Erickson Student Organizations and Programming Coordinator P 218.299.3874 E kerick18@cord.edu Department/Office: Student Engagement
Dr. Elizabeth A. Ewing Lee Adjunct Instructor P 218.299.4030 E eewingle@cord.edu Department/Office: Psychology
Dr. David P. Eyler Professor, Percussion and Percussion Techniques; Director, Percussion Ensemble and Marimba Choir P 218.299.4680 E eyler@cord.edu Department/Office: Music