Dr. Heather Waddell Chair/Associate Professor, Greek and Roman Studies; Chair, Philosophy P 218.299.4512 E hwaddell@cord.edu Department/Office: Greek and Roman Studies, Women's and Gender Studies, Philosophy
Kim Wagers Head Coach, Women's Basketball; Senior Woman Administrator P 218.299.4417 E kwagers@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
Dr. Meredith G. Wagner Chair/Associate Professor, Nutrition, Dietetics, and Exercise Science; Program Director, Master of Science in Nutrition P 218.299.3755 E wagner@cord.edu Department/Office: Nutrition, Dietetics, and Exercise Science, Environmental and Sustainability Studies, Master of Science in Nutrition/Dietetic Internship
Karin L. Wakefield Instructor, Horn and Piano P 218.299.4899 E kwakefie@cord.edu Department/Office: Music
Dr. Leigh G. Wakefield Professor, Clarinet and Woodwind Methods P 218.299.4847 E wakefiel@cord.edu Department/Office: Music
Dr. Anne Walker Professor P 218.299.3641 E awalker3@cord.edu Department/Office: Education, Master of Education
Jill N. Walker Head Teacher, Toddlers P 218.299.4951 E walker@cord.edu Department/Office: Cobber Kids
Jennifer W. Wang Technology Services Database Administrator P 218.556.2513 E wang@cord.edu Department/Office: Concordia Language Villages
Shaine Wanner Building Services Custodian P 218.299.3362 E swanner1@cord.edu Department/Office: Facilities Management
Shannon Wanner Assistant Director of Enterprise Application Services, Enterprise Systems and Services P 218.299.4726 E swanner@cord.edu Department/Office: Information Technology Services
Nathan R. Wasvick Building Services Custodian P 218.299.3362 E wasvick@cord.edu Department/Office: Facilities Management
Dr. Amy Watkin Professor, English P 218.299.3712 E watkin@cord.edu Department/Office: English, Women's and Gender Studies, Humanities
Jill Watson Adjunct Instructor P 218.299.3911 E jwatson3@cord.edu Department/Office: Master of Education
Kari Weidner Administrative Assistant for Psychology; Neuroscience; Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity P 218.299.4030 E kweidner@cord.edu Department/Office: Psychology, Neuroscience
Mark Welzenbach Housing Specialist P 218.299.3088 E mwelzenb@cord.edu Department/Office: Residence Life
Brandon Wente Associate Director of Admission P 218.299.3145 F 218.299.4720 E blwente@cord.edu Department/Office: Admission
Dr. Sonja Wentling Dean, School of Arts and Sciences; Professor, History P 218.299.3521 E wentling@cord.edu Department/Office: History, Global Studies
Dr. Kerri Westgard Adjunct Instructor P 218.299.3910 E kwestgar@cord.edu Department/Office: Education
Jessica Westgard Larson Conductor, Campana and Tintinnabula (Handbell Choirs) P 218.299.4414 E westgard@cord.edu Department/Office: Music
Dr. Joseph C. Whittaker Associate Professor, Biology; Program Co-Director, Environmental and Sustainability Studies P 218.299.3739 E jwhittak@cord.edu Department/Office: Biology, Environmental and Sustainability Studies
Cassandra Williams Talent Acquisition Specialist P 218.299.4301 E cwillia7@cord.edu Department/Office: Concordia Language Villages, Human Resources
David A. Williams Boiler Operator/HVAC Technician P 218.299.3688 E williams@cord.edu Department/Office: Facilities Management
Sara K. Williams Program Coordinator P 218.586.8709 E swilliam@cord.edu Department/Office: Concordia Language Villages-Bemidji
Bret Wilson Enterprise Applications Specialist, Enterprise Systems and Services P 218.299.3309 E bwilson4@cord.edu Department/Office: Information Technology Services
Gregory Wilson Adjunct Instructor, Sociology P 218.299.3501 E gwilson1@cord.edu Department/Office: Sociology
Dr. Hannah K. Wilson Assistant Professor, Nutrition and Dietetics; Coordinator, Combined Dietetic Internship/Master of Science in Nutrition P 218.299.3748 E hwilson3@cord.edu Department/Office: Nutrition, Dietetics, and Exercise Science, Master of Science in Nutrition/Dietetic Internship
Lauren Wilson Administrative Assistant for English and Religion P 218.299.3812 (English) | 218.299.3334 (Religion) E lwilson4@cord.edu Department/Office: English, Religion
Matthew Winarski Manager of Instrumental Ensembles P 218.299.4897 E mwinarsk@cord.edu Department/Office: Music
Jeanie Winkelmann Adjunct Instructor P 218.299.4030 E jwinkel1@cord.edu Department/Office: Psychology
Dr. David T. Wintersteen Professor; Director of Theatre P 218.299.3730 F 218.299.4256 E winterst@cord.edu Department/Office: Theatre Art
Brenda L. Wise Production Supervisor P 218.299.4343 E wise@cord.edu Department/Office: Dining Services
Jonathan Woell Systems and Integration Specialist, Enterprise Systems and Services P 218.299.3884 E jwoell@cord.edu Department/Office: Information Technology Services
Leann Wolff Assistant Professor of Ethics P 218.299.3199 E lwolff@cord.edu Department/Office: Business (Offutt School of Business – Academics)
Dr. Ann R. Woods Adjunct Instructor, Religion P 218.299.3334 E awoods@cord.edu Department/Office: Religion
Sylvia Woznica Accounting Assistant P 218.299.3337 E swoznica@cord.edu Department/Office: Business Office
Carrie Wuollett Administrative Assistant P 218.299.3727 F 218.299.4456 E cwuollet@cord.edu Department/Office: Human Resources
Dr. Graeme R.A. Wyllie Assistant Professor, Chemistry; Coordinator, Concordia Science Academy P 218.299.4956 E wyllie@cord.edu Department/Office: Chemistry