Dr. Darcie R. Sell Chair/Associate Professor, Psychology P 218.299.3635 E dsell@cord.edu Department/Office: Psychology, Women's and Gender Studies
Neva Sellers Assistant Director; PDSO P 218.299.3929 E nsellers@cord.edu Department/Office: Global Learning
Gokce "Greg" Serdar Adjunct Instructor P 218.299.4411 E gserdar@cord.edu Department/Office: Business (Offutt School of Business – Academics)
Dr. Lisa Sethre-Hofstad Vice President for Student Development and Campus Life; Professor, Psychology P 218.299.3455 F 218.299.4501 E sethre@cord.edu Department/Office: Psychology, Student Development and Campus Life
Rebecca Sheldon Adjunct Instructor of Spanish P 218.299.3754 E rmiller2@cord.edu Department/Office: Spanish, World Languages and Cultures
Laurie Sieben Assistant Coach, Women's Basketball P 218.299.4922 E lsieben@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
Heather Simonich Director of the Center for Holistic Health P 218.299.3514 E hsimonic@cord.edu Department/Office: Counseling Center and Disability Services, Health Services Office
Lisa Sjoberg Registrar; Director, First-Year Honors Program P 218.299.3250 F 218.299.3224 E sjoberg@cord.edu Department/Office: Registrar's Office
Emma Skuza Administrative Assistant for World Languages & Cultures and Graduate & Continuing Studies P 218.299.3754 (World Languages) | 218.299.3567 (Graduate & Continuing Studies) E eskuza@cord.edu Department/Office: World Languages and Cultures, Graduate and Continuing Studies