Kari Weidner Administrative Assistant for Psychology; Neuroscience; Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity P 218.299.4030 E kweidner@cord.edu Department/Office: Psychology, Neuroscience
Mark Welzenbach Housing Specialist P 218.299.3088 E mwelzenb@cord.edu Department/Office: Residence Life
Brandon Wente Associate Director of Admission P 218.299.3145 F 218.299.4720 E blwente@cord.edu Department/Office: Admission
Dr. Sonja Wentling Dean, School of Arts and Sciences; Professor, History P 218.299.3521 E wentling@cord.edu Department/Office: History, Global Studies
Dr. Kerri Westgard Adjunct Instructor P 218.299.3910 E kwestgar@cord.edu Department/Office: Education
Jessica Westgard Larson Conductor, Campana and Tintinnabula (Handbell Choirs) P 218.299.4414 E westgard@cord.edu Department/Office: Music