Tim S. Brown Plant Operations and Maintenance Manager P 218.299.3805 E tbrown@cord.edu Department/Office: Facilities Management
Anneliesse Bruns Aquatics Director; Head Coach, Swimming and Diving P 218.299.4469 E abruns1@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
Janey Bulson Associate Athletic Trainer P 218.299.4989 E jbulson@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
Allison M. Bundy Assistant Librarian; College Archivist; Digital Collections Librarian P 218.299.3180 E abundy@cord.edu Department/Office: Library
Donald "Bucky" Burgau Assistant Coach, Baseball P 218.299.3209 E bburgau@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
Han Burrell Dishroom and Service Staff P 218.299.3706 E hburrell@cord.edu Department/Office: Dining Services