Dr. Richard M. Chapman Professor, History P 218.299.4177 E chapman@cord.edu Department/Office: History
Jess Christensen Senior Associate Director P 218.299.3880 F 218.299.3025 E jchriste@cord.edu Department/Office: Financial Aid
Joe Christianson Associate Athletic Director; Director of Golf Operations P 218.299.4160 F 218.299.4953 E jchris27@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics
Dr. Jonathan P. Clark Associate Professor of German P 218.299.3599 F 218.299.4936 E clark@cord.edu Department/Office: German, World Languages and Cultures
Rachel M. Clarke Director of Advancement Operations P 218.299.4816 E rclarke@cord.edu Department/Office: Advancement
Dr. George B. Connell Professor, Philosophy P 218.299.3097 E connell@cord.edu Department/Office: Philosophy, Humanities
Patricia L. Connell Scholarship and Registration Lead P 218.299.4179 E plconnel@cord.edu Department/Office: Concordia Language Villages
Virginia L. Connell Coordinator of Library Instruction/Librarian P 218.299.3237 E vconnell@cord.edu Department/Office: Library