Whitney McClain Administrative Assistant P 218.299.3020 E wmcclain@cord.edu Department/Office: Career Center
Jon McTaggart Adjunct Instructor P 218.299.4411 E jmctagg1@cord.edu Department/Office: Business (Offutt School of Business – Academics)
Loralee Meier Assessment and Field Placement Coordinator P 218.299.3911 E lmeier@cord.edu Department/Office: Education
Mark Melby Assistant Director, Study Away P 218.299.3186 E mmelby1@cord.edu Department/Office: Global Learning
Duane R. Melquist CBORD Specialist P 218.299.4637 E melquist@cord.edu Department/Office: Dining Services
Joan Meulebroeck Financial and Data Systems Specialist P 218.299.3019 F 218.299.3363 E jmeulebroeck@cord.edu Department/Office: ELCA, Northwestern Minnesota Synod
Emily Meyer Assistant Director of Residential Education P 218.299.3872 E emeyer6@cord.edu Department/Office: Residence Life
Dr. Jeff Meyer Chair, Art; Professor, Music History, Music Theory, and Global Music; Director, Pempamsie; Director, Concordia Gamelan P 218.299.4885 E meyer@cord.edu Department/Office: Music, Art
Dwight Mickelson Adjunct Instructor, 3D/Sculpture P 218.299.4623 E dmickels@cord.edu Department/Office: Art