Dr. Rebecca R. Moore Professor P 218.299.3534 F 218.299.4552 E moore@cord.edu Department/Office: Political Science
Sara Morberg Mental Health Counselor P 218.299.3514 E smorberg@cord.edu Department/Office: Counseling Center and Disability Services
Kevin Morehead Building Services Custodian P 218.299.3362 E morehead@cord.edu Department/Office: Facilities Management
Pamela S. Mork Associate Professor P 218.299.3576 F 218.299.4308 E pmork@cord.edu Department/Office: Chemistry
Christian E. Mortenson Associate Professor, Photography; Director, Cyrus M. Running Gallery P 218.299.4330 E cmortens@cord.edu Department/Office: Art
Renee Mortenson Student Accounts Specialist P 218.299.3150 E rmortens@cord.edu Department/Office: Business Office
Marah Moy Assistant Director of Alumni Relations P 218.299.3453 E mmoy@cord.edu Department/Office: Alumni Relations, Advancement
Emily Moyer Director, Erickson Hall P 218.299.4697 E emoyer@cord.edu Department/Office: Residence Life