Dr. Shontarius D. Aikens Associate Professor of Management P 218.299.3474 E saikens@cord.edu Department/Office: Business (Offutt School of Business – Academics), Master of Science in Nutrition/Dietetic Internship
Dr. Alexander Aldrich Assistant Professor of Spanish P 218.299.3103 E aaldrich@cord.edu Department/Office: Spanish, World Languages and Cultures
Matiop Y. Alith Public Safety Officer P 218.299.3060 E malith@cord.edu Department/Office: Security/Public Safety
Kaitlyn Alme Academic Counselor P 218.299.4551 E kalme@cord.edu Department/Office: Center for Student Success
Eric Alvarez Systems Administrator, Infrastructure Services P 218.299.4735 E ealvarez@cord.edu Department/Office: Information Technology Services
Amaya Amell Adjunct Instructor of Spanish P 218.299.3754 E aamell@cord.edu Department/Office: Spanish, World Languages and Cultures
Elijah Amelse Assistant Director of Student Engagement P 218.299.3640 E eamelse@cord.edu Department/Office: Student Engagement
Glory Ames Academic Counselor P 218.299.4551 E games@cord.edu Department/Office: Center for Student Success
Shelby Amsley-Benzie Assistant Coach, Women's Hockey P 218.299.4438 E samsleyb@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics