Ryan Anderson Career Coach, Offutt School of Business P 218.299.3554 E rander41@cord.edu Department/Office: Career Center
John D. Andrick Assistant Dean of Students; Director of the Center for Student Success P 218.299.4551 E jandrick@cord.edu Department/Office: Center for Student Success
Annette Anhorn Meal Ingredient Technician/Contracts Staff P 218.299.3706 E aanhorn@cord.edu Department/Office: Dining Services
Jennie Archer First-Year Experience Librarian P 218.299.4827 F 218.299.4253 E jarcher@cord.edu Department/Office: Library
Samantha J. Archer Adjunct Instructor, Communication Studies P 218.299.3143 E sarcher2@cord.edu Department/Office: Communication Studies
Karen J. Armstrong Meal Ingredient Technician/Contracts Staff P 218.299.4205 E armstron@cord.edu Department/Office: Dining Services
Matthew Armstrong Purchasing Specialist P 218.586.1350 E marmstr1@cord.edu Department/Office: Concordia Language Villages-Bemidji
Dr. W. Vincent Arnold Chair/Professor, History; Faculty Athletic Representative to the NCAA P 218.299.3524 F 218.299.4552 E arnold@cord.edu Department/Office: Athletics, History, Greek and Roman Studies, Pre-Law
Rahil Ashtari Mahini Adjunct Instructor P 218.299.4411 E rashtari@cord.edu Department/Office: Business (Offutt School of Business – Academics)
Dr. Jason Askvig Associate Professor, Biology P 218.299.4537 E jaskvig@cord.edu Department/Office: Biology, Neuroscience